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REQ: Echograin Tranzwave for Kontakt screenshot

Introducing Tranzwave, a powerful wavetable Synthesizer, inspired by an unsung hero from the late 90’s: The Ensoniq Fizmo.
The flexible modulation engine, coupled with creative editing and randomization features, simplifies the creation of new, innovative sounds. Tranzwave brings all the wavetables from the Fizmo into the modern age for new creative explorations. With its user-friendly interface, Tranzwave provides complete control over wavetable and effect controls, making the creation of new sounds both fun and easy.

REQ: Echograin Tranzwave for Kontakt screenshot

In the late 1990s Ensoniq pioneered “Transwaves”, a unique form of wavetable synthesis notably featured in their Fizmo synthesizer. Unlike earlier forms of wavetable synthesis, which could sometimes produce more static or stepped sounds, Ensoniq’s technology facilitated fluid transitions between different waveforms within a wavetable.
This innovation led to the creation of evolving, dynamic soundscapes. Ensoniq’s approach allowed for a more seamless and organic morphing of sounds, enabling musicians to craft rich, textured audio experiences that changed over time. This method offered a fresh and novel way to explore sonic possibilities, distinguishing it from the more digital and discrete transitions of previous wavetable synthesizers like the PPG Wave. Although the Ensoniq Fizmo, which utilized Transwaves, did not achieve widespread fame, its distinctive approach to wavetable synthesis marked a significant development in the evolution of electronic sound and influenced modern synthesis techniques.

Tranzwave brings this older, unique wavetable concept, known as Transwaves, into the modern era of music production. By sampling each frame of these Transwaves, Tranzwave offers a rich and dynamic sonic palette that captures the essence of these early digital synthesizers. It’s akin to having a vast library of colors and shades at your disposal, offering endless possibilities for creating new and innovative sounds.

The selection of wavetables in Tranzwave can be automated via MIDI or triggered directly by pressing a note, eliminating the need for menu diving and streamlining the browsing experience. This practical and user-friendly approach distinguishes Tranzwave from other wavetable synthesizer plugins, offering a more immediate and intuitive interaction with its sound library.

Requires Kontakt 7 or free Kontakt Player
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  Member 10.05.2021 1 374
  Member 19.02.2017 2 109
It would be fantastic to be able to have this emulation of the amazing Ensoniq Fizmo...one of a kind

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