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REQ: Harrison Mixbus 10 Pro screenshot
NEW: NEW in Mixbus 10: SSL 9000J EQ (Pro tier)
In addition to the world-renowned Harrison 32C EQ in every channel, you can now choose the SSL 9000J EQ, another storied equalizer that has been used on countless pop and rock hits for the last 3 decades.

You can independently select an EQ for every input channel. You might choose to utilize the SSL on your drum tracks, and the Harrison EQ on your vocals. Or vice versa ... whichever you choose! You can A/B the two equalizer settings to determine which works best for each of your tracks.

This gives you the flexibility of a plugin, but the benefit of a console workflow: you can mix ‘in context’ with other tracks, and skip all that time managing popup plugin windows.

Many more.............

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  Member 9.01.2024 1 112
This would be an incredible get. HCISO/Moria for mac. We need you!!!
  Member 6.12.2016 19
Well, if they keep up this behaviour, I would stay away.
  Member 22.08.2022 5 18
quote by dnz2dbtWell, if they keep up this behaviour, I would stay away.

unfortunately, most 'analogue' EQ plugins work like this, the only difference is that these smarter developers mask the cramping and modify the phase, add saturation and minor differences in R L channels. But in most cases it's always a digital equalizer in disguise

The second thing is that Harrison went into denial that they copied every transistor. It's also a lie, but who would admit openly that he sells a digital equalizer for a lot of money. It was a lost-lost situation

don't want to defend them - I don't like them anyway for situation you mentioned so that's why I'm waiting for alternative solution to try the product ;)
"everything not saved will be lost"
  Resident 16.07.2022 2 79
In regards to the 32c channel strip, I don't deny this misstep on their part. However, the analog modelling they have incorporated in their buss processing modules in Mixbus has always been present and verifiable.
  Member 26.08.2016 44
R2R, please, our dear team!))

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