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REQ: Eduardo Tarilonte Quetzal (Engine Audio) screenshot
Quetzal is the perfect tool for composers and sound designers to create music and atmospheric sounds for films, documentaries, video games or music of various genres.

Eduardo Tarilonte, creator of libraries such as NADA, Celtic ERA 2 and Dark ERA, captured the sounds of that era and transports them to the keyboards of computer-based composition studios. Discover a majestic collection of clay flutes, original recreations of the instruments of the time, and be inspired by ancestral drums and over 80 dreamlike soundscapes.

REQ: Eduardo Tarilonte Quetzal (Engine Audio) screenshot

Quetzal - Something between myth and reality
Fly with us on the back of the quetzal, a bird found in the cloud forests of Central America, and discover the mystical expanses of the Mesoamerican jungle. Quetzal by Eduardo Tarilonte captures the sounds of a sublime era of mystical civilizations that seemed lost in the mists of time.

Top Features:
More than 7,000 individual samples
50+ playable instruments
A collection of ancient flutes that whisper ethereal secrets
Ancestral drums that echo the primordial heartbeat of the Earth
80 dreamlike soundscapes
Voices that resonate with the wisdom of ancient priests
More than 80 presets
Most instruments consist of extensive multisamples (24 bit/44.1 kHz) with several dynamic levels, various articulations, round-robin, real legato as well as glissando samples
Requires Engine Player Version 1.0.2

REQ: Eduardo Tarilonte Quetzal (Engine Audio) screenshot

Quetzal is the perfect tool for composers and sound designers to create music and atmospheric sounds for films, documentaries, video games or music of various genres.

Overview of included sounds:
Winds: A large collection of multi-sampled wind instruments and phrases: Atecoccolli: Shell horn, Incus: An instrument with a strong resemblance to a Didgeridoo

Clay Flutes: Huilacapitzli (Ocarinas), Tlapitzalli (Flutes), Double and Triple Flutes, Other Flutes

Flutes FX: Bird Whistles, Death Whistle, Ehecalt (Wind Whistles), Whistling Vessels (Water Flutes), Wild FX and Phrases

Percussion: Ayacachtli: Rattle, Chicahuaztli: Rain Stick, Clay Drum, Huehuetl: Tubular Drum, Panhuehuetl: Frame Drum, Shaker Ambiences 1, Shaker Ambiences 2, Shakers, Teponaztli: Slit Drum, Teponaztli Low: Slit Drum

Voices: In this section, you will find a range of vocal FX to give your music that special touch: Breaths, Ghostly Breaths, Ghostly Words, Nahual Howling Screams, Nahual Moving Drones, Nahual Phrases, Nahual Screams, Nahual Shouts 01, Nahual Shouts 02, Nahual Tuned Words, Nahual Words

Soundscapes: Over 80 dreamy soundscapes, divided into 10 ambiences: Abandoned Temples (8), Ancientwinds (8), Crystalskulls (4), Flutepads (29), Guardianspirits (5), Lost Cities (5), Rainforestmist (4), Sacred Places (10), Silent Forest (4), Xibalbá (4)

Easy to use user interface
Quetzal transports the sound of ancient civilizations of the Mesoamerican jungle into DAW-based production environments. The carefully programmed user interface makes it easy for you to work with the library so that your creativity can fully unfold. The Blow Intensity control, for example, allows you to create realistic flute performances using the pitchbend wheel.

Most of the multi-sampled flutes have different velocity layers and different attacks triggered via velocity. Glissando legato is also triggered via velocity. Soft velocity triggers glissando and normal velocity triggers regular legato.
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  Resident 31.01.2015 9 260
Oh yes! Tarilonte’s libraries are gorgeous!
  Member 28.07.2023 44
This would be great.
  Resident 17.06.2019 100 351
Oh ! This is for a new version of Engine player!
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