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REQ: Sheaf Music Remoter screenshot
Remoter is an audio plugin that allows you to stream audio directly from your DAW to any web browser-capable device. This is useful for quick mix translation checks on your phone speakers/earbuds/laptop speakers. Simply insert the plugin, start the server, and scan the QR code to open the supporting web app in your browser. Then press connect to start streaming.

Remoter is an audio plugin that allows you to stream audio directly from your DAW to any web browser-capable device.

This is useful for quick mix translation checks on your phone speakers/earbuds/laptop speakers.

Simply insert the plugin, start the server, and scan the QR code to open the supporting web app in your browser. Then press connect to start streaming.

-Lossless audio streaming
-Highest bitrate Opus encoded audio streaming (not yet supported on iOS)
-Latency that is low enough to allow for comfortably making mix adjustments in real-time
-Configurable buffer size for finding optimal latency vs stability
-Multiple simultaneous connections are possible
-No dedicated app on the phone needed - it works in the web browser

download from any file hoster with just one LinkSnappy account
download from more than 100 file hosters at once with LinkSnappy.


  Member 9.11.2019 67
Great request.
  Resident 3.03.2020 807

yes please
I'm here , That's more than enough !!
  Member 5.11.2012 1 225
This plugin is very good! We need this ;)

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