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Education, Video Tutorials
Truefire Rick Stickney's Mixolydian Connections Tutorial screenshot
Tutorial | JAN 2025 |3.2 GB
Unleash Mixolydian's Soloing Super Powers
Unlock the magic of effortless guitar playing with Rick Stickney’s Mixolydian Connections! This isn’t just about scales—it's about transforming how you make music. Rick’s approach breaks the Mixolydian scale into bite-sized nuggets, turning practice into creative fun.

Learn to weave melodies that flow across the fretboard. Say goodbye to dull routines and hello to a vibrant new sound!

”Learning scales on the guitar is easy. Learning which chords and tonalities those scales can be played over is also relatively easy. Now comes the hard part, making music without sounding like you're just running up and down a scale.

Solving this puzzle is the key to taking your soloing chops to the next level. The solution is simply changing how you learn and practice scales. Instead of practicing scales from top to bottom, in Mixolydian Connections, I'll show you how to break that scale down into smaller 2 and 3 note sections. I'll show you how to craft fresh musical ideas from these smaller sections.

I'll show you how to visualize and create new ideas, and connect these smaller sections across the entire fingerboard. So grab your guitar and let's make music with the Mixolydian Scale.”

You’ll have all of TrueFire’s advanced learning tools at your finger tips to personalize your workspace and learn at your own pace.

You can loop, slow down, or speed up any section of a lesson. Plus, all of the tab and notation is synced to the videos for the optimal learning experience. You’ll also get tab and standard notation files to print out, Guitar Pro files, and all of the backing tracks to practice with.

Grab your guitar, and let’s dig in with Rick Stickney!

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  Member 10.11.2016 4 334
Hi JammuAnd,

Thank you very much for this Would it be possible to split this upload into smaller files ?
I hope my message is not against the site rules
  Moderator 4.06.2022 6 2761
Yes, requests and/or asking for new links is against the rules... its best to use PM to ask about this.

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