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REQ: Respiro by Imoxplus screenshot
Respiro is a new generation software synthesizer inspired by Artist Pedro Eustache. It uses physical modelling combined with wavetable injection and is designed for wind & breath controllers. It offers sonic capabilities similar to woodwinds & flutes and 'never heard before' sounds. It turns your breath and tonguing into a unique experience allowing you to deeply engage with this digital instrument as like you would do with a real-world wind-instrument.

This synthesizer creates incredibly realistic and convincing sounds. The tone can be influenced by multiple MIDI controls, making it extremely expressive. I would like to use this with an Electronic Valve Instrument (EVI) , such as Akai EVI-5000 or Sylphyo. There is an excellent affordable one by Greaten Music called A300 Pro. Mac version, please! I'm sure many people would want the Windows version as well.

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  Contributor 3.05.2011 701 4988
no demo

ofc one would buy it for 170€ and then refund it ... put out a damn demo, dont be lazy.
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Resident 6.07.2013 1 73
Dear Arcticstorm, all it takes is a click on the Youtube link. All the sounds are there.

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